Wieser News
Click on a title or the read more link to learn more about Wieser Concrete happenings.
Dairy Day at the Capitol
Last month, the Dairy Business Association held its first annual Dairy Day at the Capitol. DBA members were able to meet with Gov. Tony Evers, the state agriculture secretary designee Brad Pfaff, and many Wisconsin State Senate and Assembly representatives.
Amazon Prime Air Hub Box Culvert
Precision is key. Pictured is a box culvert our Roxana, IL plant is producing for the Amazon Hub at Cincinnati International Airport. This is one section out of 4,000 ft going to the airport.
All Nations Veterans Cemetery Columbarium Niches
We installed two columbarium niches for the All Nations Veterans Cemetary near Fort Yates, North Dakota. The Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetary Administration granted…
A Busy Minnesota Summer Camp Demands a Creative Onsite Solution
“It was kind of a puzzle putting this together. The YMCA really didn’t want to have the drainfield in their ballfield, but…
Wieser Concrete Welcomes Sarah Hochmuth to the Engineering Team!
Sarah Hochmuth, a recent UW-Platteville Civil Engineering Grad, joined the Wieser team in Portage full-time this month. As our Project Engineer, she will be doing engineering and drafting, helping out with production scheduling, intern recruitment, and other various tasks. Get to know Sarah in the Q & A below!
Daryl Burkholder Farm Hosting an Open House
Daryl Burkholder Farm in Baring, MO is hosting an open house for their brand new slatted barn on December 18th from 10 am – 2 pm. Our Wieser Concrete plant in Roxana, IL produced the slats and feed bunk for the barn. Lunch is provided. Anyone is welcome to attend!
Noise Walls for I-39/90 Expansion Project
Wieser Concrete has produced over 1,000 composite noise wall panels this year for the I-39/90 expansion project that stretches from the southern Wisconsin border up to Madison. Janesville residents have already started to appreciate the decorative, noise-dampening barriers going up between their homes and the interstate.
NPCA Chairman: friendships and growth in the family business
Who knew a change of careers would lead to 50 exciting years in the precast industry. Joe tells what it’s been like to have been the National Precast Concrete Association (NPCA) chairman.
Noise Wall on Interstate 494
We are currently in the middle of a two year project with C.S. McCrossan for noise walls. The project is located on a stretch of Interstate 494 near Minnetonka, Minn. Noise wall are used to block sound from homes, parks, schools and businesses.
Hatfield Fire Hall
It was time to offer a fire and vandal proof building for the firefighters who help rescue our homes and businesses in the times of need. The new Hatfield Fire Hall is a 60’x70’ precast concrete building that is nearly indestructible with little to no annual maintenance required.
2,500 Retaining Wall Panels to Dresbach, Minn.
We’ve worked with Reinforced Earth Company for Ames Construction for the past three years on a retaining wall project in Dresbach, Minn. As the project is nearing its end we’ve sent 122,445 total square feet of panels.
Business Leader: Handing Down Business Skills
Read our feature story about succession within the business in the summer edition of Business Leader.
Two Pan-L-Bilt Manure Storage Systems at Eron Beef
Eron Beef is a Holstein steer feedlot in Stevens Point, WI. This was a 111 feet 4 inch wide by 324 feet long and 12 feet deep Pan-L-Bilt with storage capacity of 3 million gallons.
Dennis H. Rinderer Memorial Park
Initially the kiosks and signage at Dennis H. Rinderer Park were going to be poured in place.
Wieser Team Members Honored at Holiday Gathering
Wieser Concrete Products, Inc. held their annual Christmas Party and Recognition Program at their Maiden Rock facility.