Mallinckrodt Handicap-Accessible Entryway Ramps

  • Location: St. Louis, Missouri
  • Contractor: McGrath & Associates
  • Size: 25′ span
  • Purpose: To replace two old failing ramps with new precast ramps.

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About this Project

The handicap-accessible entry to the Mallinckrodt Pharmaceutical building was decaying due to its age and multi-use purpose. Now, the entry features new precast concrete ramps spanning 25′ over a large pit that serves as the air intake for the building. Using a 40-ton crane, the removal and installation process lasted less than five hours.

In order to get large equipment in and out of the basement, the ramps can be removed just as easily as they were installed. The new entryway provides safe and durable access that will last many years while retaining its aesthetics and functionality.
