Fort Snelling National Cemetery Columbarium Niches
- Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Size: 58 – 96-niche units
- Purpose: To provide precast concrete columbarium niches for the Fort Snelling National Cemetery.
About this Project
Wieser Concrete produced 58 precast concrete columbarium niche units with 96 niches in each unit for Fort Snelling National Cemetery in Minneapolis, MN. The total columbarium niches for the project is 5,568. The wieser columbarium niche system does not rely on mechanical fasteners to secure multiple sections together, thereby providing a more durable product.
Advantages of Wieser Columbarium Niches
- It does not rely on mechanical fasteners to secure multiple sections together thereby providing a more durable product and consistent appearance.
- Produces one 96-niche unit of reliable, uniform size making the cast stone cap, cast stone base, and foundation fit consistently.
- Provides increased stability due to the reduction of section pieces. One 96-Niche unit takes the place of 4 prior 24-Niche design units.
- Reduces opportunities for product damage during installation due to less handling.
- Provides a consistently superior installation process.