Calumet County

  • Location: County Trunk Highway PP in Calumet County, Wisconsin
  • Contractor: Calumet County Highway Department
  • Engineer: Contech Engineered Solutions
  • Size: 36′ span x 8′ rise x 66′ long
  • Purpose: To provide a bridge for a roadway over a stream.

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About this Project

In the spring of 2020, Contech began engineering for a new bridge structure to provide a long-lasting concrete bridge over a stream. Wieser Concrete was contracted by the Calumet County Highway Department to produce the precast concrete EXPRESS® foundations, headwalls, wing walls, and arch sections. EXPRESS foundations by Contech provide ease and speed of installation while alleviating hazardous working conditions.

The bridge consists of 11 B-Series ConSpan arches with a 36′ span, 8′ rise, and 66′ in total length. In September, Calumet County installed the entire bridge in just two days thanks to the efficient design. The footings were installed on the first day and the structure was installed on the second day, which was observed by an audience invited by Contech. Providing an opportunity to view the installation process allows onlookers to understand many of the benefits of using precast concrete for construction projects. Precast bridge structures are aesthetically-pleasing, highly customizable, provide a natural bottom for environmental applications, and are modular to allow for quick delivery and installation.
