Huntingburg Airport BEBO Arch Tunnel
- Location: Huntingburg, Indiana
- Engineer: Contech Engineered Solutions
- Size: 36′ span x 21′-4″ rise x 180′ length BEBO Arch System
- Purpose: To provide a tunnel for a road under the new airport runway.
About this Project
After a decade of planning and delayed funding, a $7 million runway extension project at Huntingburg Regional Airport (HNB) is finally underway. Upon receiving the federal funding from the Federal Aviation Administration and the Indiana Department of Transportation, HNB began the 500-foot runway extension.
The project consists of lowering County Road 200 West, constructing a tunnel over the road near the end of the extension, moving about 270,000 cubic yards of dirt needed for the new runway, reconstructing 700 feet of the existing runway, and taking care of utility work. While Wieser Concrete has produced multiple BEBO Concrete Arch Systems for Contech in the past, this tunnel was our Roxana plant’s first. Sixty precast arch sections were produced in just three months for the 180-foot tunnel. Following the completion of the extension project, Huntingburg Airport is optimistic that planes will be able to carry more weight and make the airport more attractive to customers.